Monday, August 20, 2012

Everyone knows that legitimate rape can't cause pregnancy...don't they?

Todd Akin before he resigns
Representative Todd Akin's assertion that legitimate rape can't cause pregnancy must have been recollected from his own experience.  He tells us that his Doctor told him that it would not cause pregnancy, so I'm thinking he must be referring to a personal experience of not becoming pregnant after his doctor entered him from behind. Don't fret, it was just a proctological exam.

Sorry for that.  The subject of rape is not laughable and I am not directing my dry humor at that horrible violent act.

But Todd Akin is not the only Republican to have such false and damaging ideas.  Bryan Fischer, director of issue analysis for the American Family Association defended Akin, citing that John Willke, MD also suggested that there is some biological way that a woman's body can defend against "legitimate" (read forcible in Republican circles) rape.

And when it comes to legislation opposing women's rights, do you know who Todd Akin's partner in crime is?  Why Paul Ryan, of course.

Paul Ryan after he loses the election
Although he spoke out against it today, Paul Ryan is a champion of voting against issues concerning women's rights.  He even helped define varying degrees of rape in Republican legislation co-sponsored with Todd Akin.  These gradations of rape were considered important to Ryan and Akin in order to determine when the right kind of rape was committed so that their legislation could specify when to allow an abortion.  According to them, all rape is not the same and by their legislation a woman will not be allowed to get an abortion in all cases of rape.

Republicans know that Todd Akin's statements are damaging to their Party and a number of them have asked Todd Akin to withdraw from the Senate race in his home state of Missouri.  Mitt Romney also believes the statements may have an impact on his own chances in Missouri and has suggested that Akin resign.  Karl Rove's Super PAC has already pulled funding from the Missouri Senate race and other Republican campaign funders have threatened to do the same.

But Todd Akin so far has remained steadfast, stating that his Missouri supporters would want him to continue on, but unless he has a lot of cash on hand to pay for his campaign expenses, it only seems a matter of time before he caves.

Although the Republicans would like you to believe that the actions of Todd Akin are those of a lone loon speaking out of turn, you can believe that Akin's views are very much a common belief of Republican politicians.  And it even pervades the Romney ticket.
Two wild and crazy guys


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